Earn your Master in Theological Studies built on Faithful Christian Theology available at revolutionary pricing.

Become A Master in Methodology

Simply put, methodology is a way into the biblical text. The capstone courses in this degree will focus on sound hermeneutical ways of approaching the text in order to discover intended meaning.

Michael Holcomb, professor of biblical languages at Pacific Rim Christian University (Honolulu, HI) offers a shocking statistic about bible language studies in his article entitled “Living Language Approaches” in the monograph Linguistics and New Testament Greek (Baker Academic, 2020): In 2006, there were 22,842 students enrolled in biblical Greek classes nation wide. In 2016, the number was at 13,264—a 42% decrease. He notes that the enrollment of Hebrew language students wasn’t any better, suffering a 32 percent decrease in just 15 years. For whatever reason, ministry students are stepping into the pulpits without having any formalized language training more and more these days. Holcomb see this as a detriment.

And so does Theos Seminary.

While language studies are not everything, language studies are part of a bigger whole known as methodology. Methodology is how one gets at the text, a way into the world of Scripture, if you will. If one desires to “go deeper”, method is the answer.

The M/A in Theological Studies is designed specifically to teach students how to see what they have yet to see. By offering classes that give you ways to look at text, you will develop the acumen to get all there is to get from your studies in the canon.

The Nitty Gritty

  • Spiritually Formative

    Give diligence to your studies. All your hard work will produce a harvest of fruitful revelation about the text that you and those you teach will glean from for years to come.

  • Orthodox Christian Worldview

    We hold fast to the core doctrines of the historically orthodox faith. We can't know God exhaustively, but we can know Him accurately. We're unified in the big stuff, don't make small stuff into big stuff, and make it a mission to clarify which is which through scripture.

  • Academically Vigorous

    Rise to the occasion and develop your methods. Your reward will be a rich handle of the text that will make you a true Master of theological studies.

Two Pricing Options:

  • $247/month - All at your own pace -start, stop, pause whenever you want.

  • $5000 - Non-Refundable, covers the entire tuition fee in one shot.

Master’s Course Lineup

CORE 500 | Research Methods [2]
LAN 500 | Greek I [3]
LAN 501 | Greek II [3]
LAN 510 | Hebrew I [3]
LAN 511 | Hebrew II [3]
HIS 500 | Patristic Writings [3]
BI 500 | Interpretive Methodology for the OT [3]
BI 501 | Interpretive Methodology for the NT [3]
TH 500 | Integrative/Systematic Theology [3]
TH 501 | Law, Grace & Freedom in Paul [3]
TH 502 | Charismatic Distinctives [3]
PH 500 | Christ & Philosophy [3]
PH 501 | Biblical Justice [3]
PA 500 | Communicating Scripture [3]
PA 501 | Pastoral Ethics [3]
LAN 600 | Greek III [4]
LAN 610 | Hebrew III [4]
TH 600 | OT Use in the NT [4]
TH 601 | Apocalyptic Literature [3]
TH 610 | Final Thesis [3]


  • This program is a master’s in theological studies. At the end of the program, the degree awarded will be an M/A in Theological Studies.

  • There are 2 options:
    $247 per month


    One one-time, non-refundable payment of $5,000.

  • Although you can complete the degree at your own pace, we encourage you to have it done within 17-24 months.

  • It is the responsibility of the student to access their own textbooks for the course work. We recommended finding deals on Amazon, as well as taking advantage of offers that Logos Bible Software makes to Theos Seminary from time to time.

  • The admissions team will look over your transcript to see what previous classes you have had and what advanced standing this might earn you.

  • You may fill out the admissions application here which includes an admissions essay and application fee. You must also have a transcript sent to our admissions team to verify your bachelor’s standing.

  • Every Monday night there is a lecture from one of our professors via Zoom. This is called Theos Nights. We encourage you to be on these lectures as it will enable you an opportunity to be part of the academic community at Theos Seminary. It meets at 7pm EST and you can find the links to the Zooms posted each week in clubhouse, posted under the Theos Nights tab.

  • Yes. A bachelor’s in any discipline is sufficient to apply to a M/A in Theological Studies.

Get Started on Your Online Theology Degree Today! **

"But how will I have time to drive to my seminary every day and yet make it back in time for family or work?" you may be asking. Well, this is the beauty of an online theology degree program! At Theos Seminary's Online Master's program, one can continue their education from the comfort of their own home!

By clicking the "Apply to Be a Theos Master" link above, you will take your first step toward a Theology Degree: sending in an application! Since we care about your time and how you use it, we have designed it such that the entire process takes a little over 7 minutes. Once this application has been completed, we will request a transcript of your academic journey so far- National Student Clearing House will be your biggest ally here.

After that step, we will ask about your personal academic history, your individual academic goals, and the methods by which you will uphold a high level of achievement/success here at Theos. This is just our chance to get to know you and see what kind of student you are. We believe at Theos Seminary that each person's academic education should be pursued with the same rigor and passion proper according to one who desires to honor Christ:

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." (1 Cor. 10:13)

What follows are a few questions about your personal relationship/experience with Christ, the Church, and ministry. In this final stage, we desire to see how you have come to know Christ and serve Him. The mark of any great theologian or pastor, along with anyone who takes up the title of "Christian," is that they are a servant of God and of His people. Explain to us what your church experiences have been and how these motivate you in your pursuit of a theology degree. Knowledge is a wonderful pursuit, but if not motivated by love, it is nothing. For even as Paul says:

"If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing." (1 Cor. 13:1-2)

From this point, you have completed the question portion of your application! Now, following the payment of the application fee, your application will be with us. You can now rest and wait as we review your application. Even in our waiting, we should strive to make it fruitful! As we process your application and transcript data, read through the various programs we offer and examine all that Theos Seminary has to offer. Get accustomed to the unconventional academic study of Theos Seminary:

  • No Semesters

  • No Massive Intuition

  • No Unnecessary Resources

  • No Woke Academics

  • No Commitment

  • No Limitations

Want to see what courses are offered in our M/A in theological studies program? Read through our resources on our website! Want to learn about our Statement of Faith to see how we honor God in our academics? Check out our website! Get acquainted with the benefits of online education. Theos Seminary is excited to have you join us!

Understanding Systematic Theology

What exactly is Systemaic Theology?

It is the discipline of Christian theology that formulates an orderly, rational, and coherent account of the doctrines of the Christian faith.

How can an online education with Theos Seminary help me better understand systematic theology?

Theos seminary's online theology degree program features a variety of courses which are useful to the ends of accuring proper theological knowledge. Here are just a few:

  • Interpretive Methodology for the OT

  • Interpretive Methodology for the NT

  • Integrative/Systematic Theology

In these courses, the whole of Scripture can be studied so as to form a proper interpretation of the Bible. From a proper understanding and interpretation comes an awareness of what the Scripture consistently says about a given topic (salvation, santification, justification, glorification, etc.). And from this awareness comes the groundwork for forumlating a consistent and coherent Systematic Theology!

Other courses, like "Patristic Writings" or "Christ and Philosophy," will offer historical analyses of the ways that the Scripture has been understood- be it by the earliest recorded Christian leaders or by deep philosophers in the Christian faith. These courses allow for any proper student of theology to stand on the shoulders of the many giants who have worked before us in communicating the Gospel. Further, an analysis of the historical context behind many "Patristic Writings" can offer clear demarcations of where orthodox doctrines end and heterodox/heretical doctrines begin. One of the best ways to learn proper Christian faith and practice is by knowing what it is not!

On this topic, it should be noted that Systematic Theology- while it is one field of study- is not a homogenous field of study. As such, you will be introduced to the various "Systematic Theologies" written and promoted by the various Christian faith traditions. From Augustine and Anselm to John Zizioulas and Jonathan Edwards, you will be brought to confront the greatest minds of Christian history as you see the many attempts made to "speak about God." 

While this may sound like a purely academic matter, it is extremely important in guiding the Pastor / Priest / Teacher in all that they say and do. If one is not educated in the historical understanding of a given text (this all weighed along the ancient historical context), then one is likely to teach their congregation erroneously. Erroneous teaching is no profit to one's congregants or to oneself. Even in one's own practical, day-to-day living, a proper understanding of the nature of God and all the doctrines which follow shall motivate and inform how we evangelize.

The world is in desperate need of Christian teachers/pastors who know proper Biblical teaching, who are equipped to answer the many questions raised against the Christian faith. Many pastors have come to lead their churches into poor, theologically liberal teachings by ignoring church history and rejecting a healthy theological education. Those questions that we have all encountered and which our children shall hear, too:

"What does the Bible say about marriage?"

"Why would God send His only begotten Son to die for a broken world?"

"What about all of the other religions in the world? Are you saying that they are all wrong?"

"How do we even know that Jesus was a real person who existed?"

"If God is good, why is there so much evil in the world?"

"How can we have free will if God is in control?"

In our theology online program, you will master the theological disciplines needed to properly answer these questions and more!

We pray that you will all be blessed in your studies and that the Lord would guide you in your ministry work!

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